Monday, July 23, 2018

Danav Ajit Vadakayil lies about Vithal and Pandharpur

sansaar samunday taar govinday. taar lai baap Vithulaa. 
Please carry me across the world-ocean, O Govind. Carry me across, O Beloved Father. 

Bhagat Namdev

raakh raakh mayray Vithulaa jan saran tumHaaree.
Save me, save me, O my beloved Lord! Your humble servant seeks Your Sanctuary. 

Bhagat Kabir

Captain Ajit Vadakayil is stating a lot of lies about Vithal and Chitpavan Brahmins

We saw how Chitpavan Brahmins are not Jews and that same way Vithal is not a creation of Rothschild.

Here is what Captain has to say





Owner of British East India company , Jew Rothschild created Vithoba Temple, of Pandharpur at the banks of river Chandrabhaga,-- it became first in India to invite women and people from backward classes as priests in May 2014 .

Women priests are NOT allowed as per Hindus scriptures .

During British rule Rothschild controlled Chitpavan Jews nay brahmins made sure that every Marathi movie or book or poem contained at least one scene of the Maratha praying to Rothschild creation Lord Vithobha or Panduranga for deliverance.

Vitthala is a Kannada deity rather than a Marathi deity. Geographically, Pandharpur is on the border of Maharashtra and Karnataka. The ancient name of Pandharpur was Pandarage.

Rothschild created a saint by the name of Pundalik, to be closely associated with this shrine, and called it Pundarika Pura.

Rothschild got his Chitpavan Brahmin stooges to inject into Skanda Purana , the name ‘Panduranga’ as a synonym for ‘Vitthala’.

Nobody ever heard of Vitthala and Pandharpur before the Chitpavan Jews started re-writing local history—back dating every thing by several centuries. Every Maharashtrian is now familiar with the term ‘Varkari’ .

A Varkari is one who religiously performs the vari (pilgrimage) to Pandharpur on foot, especially during the months of Ashadha (mid June to mid July) and Kartika (mid October to mid November).

Many people go on pilgrimages, but the term ‘Varkari’ has got exclusively associated with the pilgrimage to Pandharpur—as it was made famous by Rothschild stooges .

Rothschild even got his stooges to write a back dated Panduranga-shataka-stotra composed by Adi Shankaracharya ( 2000 BC ) ..


But the truth is Vithala is a word used by Saints Namdev and Kabir for Lord Krishna

Vithal means my beloved Lord, Father.  Just like saying Pyare Mohan

On Page 345 of Guru Granth Sahib: Saint Namdev States

dayvaa paahan taaree-alay.God makes even stones float.

raam kahat jan kas na taray. So why shouldn't Your humble slave also float across, chanting Your Name, O Lord? 

taareelay ganikaa bin roop kubijaa bi-aaDh ajaamal taaree-alay.You saved the prostitute, and the ugly hunch-back; You helped the hunter and Ajaamal swim across as well.

charan baDhik jan tay-oo mukat bha-ay.The hunter who shot Krishna in the foot - even he was liberated.

ha-o bal bal jin raam kahay. ||1||I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice to those who chant the Lord's Name. ||1||

daasee sut jan bidar sudaamaa ugarsain ka-o raaj dee-ay.You saved Bidur, the son of the slave-girl, and Sudama; You restored Ugrasain to his throne.

jap heen tap heen kul heen karam heen naamay kay su-aamee tay-oo taray. ||2||1||Without meditation, without penance, without a good family, without good deeds, Naam Dayv's Lord and Master saved them all. ||2||1||

Who saved Bidar and Sudama and restored Ugrasain.  

Let me give you a hint: Lord Krishna

Bhagat Namdev declared the folllowing:

sabh gobind hai sabh gobind hai gobind bin nahee ko-ee.
God (Krishna) is everything, God (Krishna) is everything. Without God (Krishna), there is nothing at all.

Lord Krishna was a constant companion of Bhagat Namdev, he states:

Jatar jaa-o tat Vithal bhailaa. Mahaa anand karay sad kaylaa. 
Wherever I go, the Lord is there.  He continually plays in supreme bliss.

On page 693 of Guru Granth Sahib Bhagat Namdev states:

naachantee gopee jannaa.Dancing Gopis knew

na-ee-aa tay bairay kanna.There is no other than the Lord Krishna.

tarak na chaa. bharmee-aa chaa.
Don't dispute this, and don't doubt this.

kaysvaa bach-unee a-ee-ay ma-ee-ay ayk aan jee-o. ||2||Keshav (Lord Krishna) says, "This creation and I are one and the same."

I can go on and on about many such examples.  But the story of Pandharpur and Bhagat Namdev is as follows:

Once Namdev went to Aundha Nagnath Temple (also sometimes written as "Avanda Nagnath Temple" ) situated in the state of Maharashtra in India. The Hindu priests of that temple believed in the caste system. After reaching the temple, Namdev sat and started worshipping God but the Hindu priests grabbed his arm and drove him out of the temple. The priests said that Namdev could not visit the temple because he was of a low class.
Namdev was deeply hurt so he went to the back of the temple and started worshipping God. In his prayer he said: "Joyfully, I came to Your Temple, O Lord. While Namdev was worshipping, he was driven out. I am of a low social class, O Lord; why was I born into a family of fabric dyers? I picked up my blanket and went back, to sit behind the temple"  Guru Granth Sahib pg 1164
Namdev also said: "O Lord, please do not forget me because if You forget me then where should I go. There is nowhere else to go and no one else to believe in except You."
He further prayed: "Please do not forget me, do not forget me, please do not forget me, O Lord. The temple priests have doubts about this, and everyone is furious with me. Calling me low-caste and untouchable, they beat me and drove me out; what should I do now, O Beloved Father Lord? If You give me salvation after I am dead, no one will know that I attained salvation. These Priests, these religious scholars, call me low-born; when they say this, they tarnish Your honour as well. You are called kind and compassionate; the power of Your Arm is absolutely unrivalled" Guru Granth Sahib 1262
"As Naamdev uttered the Glorious Praises of the Lord, the temple turned around to face the Lord's humble devotee" Guru Granth Sahib 1164
"The Lord turned the temple around to face Namdev and its back to the priests" Guru Granth Sahib Pg. 1262

That temple is still rotated as can be seen at the site. In most Hindu temples, the water pool ("kuub") is normally located at the front of the mandir; at this site, it can be seen at the back of the temple. Further, most temples face east since that is the most auspicious direction in the Hindu faith as the Sun rises from the East and the Sun is considered the destroyer of darkness and the giver of life. The Aundha Nagnath temple faces West.
This is the symbol of the true love of God towards His true worshipper.

Think for yourself why would Rotshchild create someone who is praising Lord Krishna and want everyone to praise Lord Krishna.

A Danav (Demon) named Captain Ajit Vadakayil knows that he cannot attack Lord Krishna directly so he is attacking him indirectly by attacking his saints.  He is attacking Lord Vishnu by calling fake Ayyapa as his 9th Avatar.  Maybe he is still mad that Lord Vishnu as Mohini prevented Danavas from Drinking Amrit and gain immortality.

Friday, July 13, 2018


।।  पेशवे ।।  PESHWA

After reading captain's blogs i think that all  great inventions, all major incidents in History of india happened at Calicat Or in kerala and rest of Indians was playing "KANCHA".

I don't know what mallu people's done against Mughals? What was there contribution against mughals?

Where were the Kalari Warriors and Nimboodri Brahmins when Rotshchild was stealing our wealth and Vedas?  Also if Vedas came from Oral route why can't they restore to the Original Vedas rather than letting people learn only poison injected Vedas.

In Kerala there are many antient temples than maharashtra, It is because of THE GREAT MARATHAS who fought against mughals and that's why mughals were only focused on maharashtra 

Lets talk about peshwas!

I will bang his fake history point by point

1) << R maneuvered a Chitpavan jew from Ratnagiri , Balaji Vishwanth Bhat to Emperor Shahu and created a series of events where GOOD SOLID ADVISE ( double agent game ) saved Shahu and earned his trust.>>

  • Chitpavans are not Jews i have proved in this blog:-
  • Balaji Vishwanath was from SHRIWARDHAN- Raigad district Not from RATNAGIRI.  (IF IT IS FALSE, PROVE ME.)
  • Balaji Vishwanath was deshmukh of Shriwardhan area. Chatrapati Shivaji maharaj gave "deshmukhi" to Balaji's Father.
  • What was double agent game?  On which reference you are talking this? You have any evidence? OR IT IS JUST A "FEKA FEKI"?
  • The main question arises that why will British choose Maratha empire to play their game, because when Balaji Vishwanath was appointed as peshwa the condition of Maratha empire was so weak because they fought with mughals almost 27 years after Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaja's death.  

So why British chose Marathas?

Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Article contributed by reader Harshal
Thank You Harshal

PART 1               || चित्पावन ||    CHITPAVAN

  Many times captain said that we chitpavans are bene Jews. He has told many crazy stories about us.

  Today  I will tear off the lies that #vodka-il spreded about us..

                  -: CHITPAVAN NAME :-

    According to captain Locals called us "chitpavan" because we found on Sea shore.

     In kokan there are two main language Marathi and  konkani which is dialect of Marathi language.

     In kokani there is no word like chitpavan. 

     The word chitpavan is A sanskrit word! (I will talk about meaning of name in later)


     According to Captain there were no chitpavan before 300 Centuries

  -: some facts :-

  1. At Ganpatipule-Ratnagiri there is a temple built by a chitpavan brahmin "Bhide".  The temple was built before 1600 a.c.
  2. There is a "Dan Patra" of Shilahar Raja that mentions "Dan" of lands to brahmins.  In the patra there is chitpavan Brahmin surname "ghaisas" and deshacha Brahmin "pathak".  The Dan patra is from 12th century.  Dan Patra means giving of land for free as a show of gratitude.
  3. The Roopkunda Lake - The some skeletons at roopkunda lake have exact same DNA which today's chitpavans DNA have.  And again from 12th century.
  4. There was "tryambakrao pethe" named Chitpavan who was at Shivaji maharaja's Darbar.
  5. Balaji Vishwanath was born in 1662 at Shriwardhan, Kokan.

This five points shows that Chitpavans are in kokan before 300 centuries!

            -: bene Jews and chitpavans:-

  • There is no Jewish tribe which is 100% Vegetarian, BUT chitpavans are vegetarians.
  • Captain told that the Jews who wanted to eat beef and non veg they converted Ckp.(STUPIDITY LEVEL= INFINITY)  
  • The facial features of ckp doesn't match with chitpavans even they don't have Grey eyes (only 30% of chitpavans have grey eyes)
  • Why they remain vegetarians or convert to ckp if there are saraswat Brahmins in kokan who eats fishes?They can give example of saraswat brahmins.
  • Let's talk about population.  Population of bene Jews is around 10,000 and population of chitpavans is greater than 250,000. Why there is vast difference between population of bene Jews and chitpavans if they came in India at same time period



Friday, July 6, 2018

Ajit Vadakayil Ayyapa is not the 9th Avatar of Lord Vishnu

Fragrance of God cannot be contained no matter how much one wish to contain it.

Hey Ajit Vadakayil - Lord Ayyappa is not the 9th Avatar or any Avatar of Lord Vishnu.

We in India have never heard of Lord Ayyappa until the Rothschild came to India

Lord Ayyappan or simply Ayyappa (also spelled as Ayappa) is a popular Hindu deity worshiped mainly in South India.  Ayyaappa is believed to be born out of the union between Lord Shiva and the mythical enchantress Mohini, who is regarded as an avatar of Lord Vishnu. Therefore, Ayyappa is also known as 'Hariharan Puthiran' or 'Hariharputhra,' which literally means the son of both 'Hari' or Vishnu and 'Haran' or Shiva.


Now let's see what Captain has to say:


His father the King of Panthala Rajashekaran had found him as a handsome baby with a golden chain with a bell on his neck in the forest, while hunting. The queen initially adored him, but, when she got a child of her own later, was very worried that Ayyappa would be the next king. She pretended to be sick and told Ayyappa than only the milk of a tiger could cure here.

Ayyappa came back riding on a mother tiger, with cubs following. Noble Ayyappa became sad at this obvious conspiracy to kill him , and sacrificed himself to keep his foster mother happy. He disappeared into the forest and swore not to continue his lineage by marrying.

His Guru had revealed to him at a young age that he had divine powers ( which both kept as secret while he lived in the palace.). He could ride tigers.

Distraught King Rajashekara who loved Ayyappa , constructed the Sabarimala temple.  Parashurama installed the deity on Jan 14th sunset.


Let's look at some of the facts:

1) We know that Mohini is just an allegory in a story of Second Avatar of Vishnu - Kurma
      - It is showing us what happens when the Kundalini is raised
         - Mount Mandara is our DNA as we raise our Kundalini we are granted Riddhi and Siddhi's                    Supernatural powers
- When we are gaining the powers either we can go to the darkside (drink poison) or go to                     positive side (drink Nectar)
         - Once we drink the Nectar we can meet the Lord who is in our crown chakra
- In the story, Lord Vishnu took form of Mohini to prevent Danavs (demons) from drinking the             Nectar - meaning God will try to prevent us from going over to Darkside if we ask for help.
         - Portrait of Lord Shiva shows us when the serpent Vasuki (kundalini) is raised our third opens             and the nectar (Ganga) flows from our pineal gland (Melatonin and Serotonin)

2) Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva were not Gays where Lord Vishnu had to take a form of Woman to          have sex with Lord Shiva

3) God has a power to create anything and anyone why would they need to have sex

4) Lord Parashurama was the 6th Avatar in Treta Yug (Silver Age)

5) Lord Rama was the 7th Avatar in the end of Treta Yug (Silver Age)

6) Lord Krishna was the 8th Avatar in the end of Dwapar Yug (Brass Age)

7) Let's assume each Age is 12,500 years long

If Lord Parashurama in Treta Yug (Silver Age) installed the Deity meaning that Ayyappa was born and died before Lord Parashurama,

then how did Ayyappa became the 9th Avatar of Lord Vishnu in Kalyug (Dark Ages)

In matter of fact, I had never heard of Lord Ayyappa until I read Captain's blog about a year ago.

Ask people in Mumbai about Lord Ayyappa and most probably only 10 to 15 percent would be able to tell you who he is.
Ask people in Delhi, Harayana and Punjab and that number would be ZERO percent
Ask people in Gujrat and Rajasthan and that number would again be ZERO percent

Compare that to Sai Baba where ever you go in India people know about Sai Baba

So what if 50 million people make pilgrimage to Sabrimala
10 million people make pilgrimage to Sai Baba in Shirdi
Millions of people follow fake Guru's like Triple Shri, Jaggi Vasudev, Baba Ram Rahim, Radha Soami and many other fake cults

Know coming back to the 9th Avatar of Vishnu - Lord Buddha everyone in the world knows about him.

And how about the 10th Avatar of Vishnu - Guru Nanak

During his Journeys Guru Nanak Dev Ji travelled all over even he went to South and went to Bidar, Rameshwaram, Tiruvannamalai.  He also went to Kerala, but there is no mention of him going to Sabrimala.  Maybe because at that time of Guru Nanak Dev Ji there was no Sabrimala.

Also during Guru Nanak Dev Ji's travel he went to Burma, Tibet and stayed with Monks; but again there is no mention of Buddhism as a religion.

This only means that like Sikhism, Buddhism was created by British/Rotshcilds to divide Hindus and create hatred which Captain is doing with his blogs.

Wake up and see how a Danav (Demon) is trying to make Saint's of Bhakti movement as fake back dated creation of Rothschild, while promoting fake creations himself.