Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Exposing Demon Vadakayil lies about Shaikh Braham meeting Guru Nanak Dev Ji

In India there is two main schools of philosophy Vaishnavism and Shivaism.   Vaishnavism believes Vishnu is the Supreme God and Shivaism believes Shiva is the Supreme God.  Vaishnavism believes in Bhakti Yog (Nam Jaap) to get the moksha (liberation) from birth and death,  Shivaism believes in Yogic Postures to raise Kundalini.  Raising Kundalini can get positive and negative effect which I will go in to in my next posts.  

Just as there is Vaishnavism and Shivaism in Hinduism,  in Christianity there is Christians who believe in God and Satanists who believe that Satan is the true God.  

Catain Ajit Vadakayil belongs to Shivaism.  Yes he is exposing a lot of Zionists, Fake Gurus and others; but at same time he has disregarded all of the saints who started the Bhakti movement and have gone as far as calling it fake.

While exposing Zionists and Fake Gurus have done nothing to them, but people have started questioning the true saints and have started quoting Captain in order to call them fake.  Here is one example from Captain's latest blog:  https://ajitvadakayil.blogspot.com/2018/03/fatawa-e-alamgiri-kosher-document-of_17.html


Holy books of Sikhs the Guru Granth Sahib Ji contains four shabads and 113 shaloks of a Baba Farid .
This baba Faris is different.

His names is MUSLIM Shaikh Brahm (Ibrahim), also known as Farid Sani –it is claimed that Farid Sani met Guru Nanak Dev met on two occasions.

So here is a conversation—

QUOTE:-- O Sheikh, said Guru Nanak, Ours is to be like a true wife, whose husband has gone on a merchandise tour in distant lands. The wife ever remembers him and keeps faithful to him, in thought, word and action. The husband, when he returns, is overjoyed at her faithful remembrance and love. He puts his hand on her head and says, Thou art mine and I am thine. So we should, O Sheikh, lose ourselves wholly in the Divine Being; forsake all attachment to the flesh, and think of none but Him, both within and without. With constant humility, prayer, Divine Meditation, considering the service of our fellow men as the service of Him, and the company of the illumined, the spark of Divine light springs up in the human heart and the mind gets illumined, seeing none else but God both within and without. We have to serve and meditate and yet feel that service and meditation is His. : UNQUOTE



It is true that Guru Nanak Dev Ji described God as Husband Lord and people as Soul Brides.  The ultimate goal for soul is to leave this house (parent's house) and merge with God and go into God's house (In-laws house).  He gave an example as a woman has to leave her parent's house after marriage and go to her husband's house, we will have to leave this house and go to God's house.  This same message is given in Bible too.  

Here is the true story of Shaikh Ibrahim and Guru Nanak's meeting.  Guru Ji met Shaikh Ibrahim twice:

Pakpatan is located in Pakistan. Hazrat Baba Shaikh Farid’s tomb stands here and devotees come from far and near for pilgrimage. Shaikh Farid came to Pakpatan in the thirteenth century. At the time of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s visit, Shaikh Ibrahim was occupying the holy seat. He was the twelfth descendant of Shaik Farid.  He is referred to as Shaikh Braham in Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s biography.  Guru Ji settled in the forest near the town.  When he was singing praise of God and Mardana was playing the rebeck , one devotee of Shaikh Ibrahim named Shaikh Kamal came to the forest to collect firewood for the monastery.  At that time Guru Ji was singing in Assa Raga which meant:- “O Lord! You are the only One . You are the writer of everybody’s fate . So whom shall we appeal except You?” Shaikh Kamal listened carefully and came near them. He was surprised that a Hindu saint was singing the praise of One God. He requested them to repeat the song. He went and told his master about it. Shaikh Ibrahim was very much impressed with this and told Shaikh Kamal that they should meet the great soulSo they went to the forest and paid their respects to Guru Ji . Guru Nanak Dev Ji welcomed them and embraced Shaikh Ibrahim. The Shaikh took them to the monastery and there they had interesting dialogue:-
  Shaikh Ibrahim : “You say that there is only one God, but the Muslims say that there is Hazrat Muhammad also.”  Guru JI: There is only one God and that is the limit. So worship only one God and nobody else .” Shaikh Ibrahim : “Tear away your formal silken dress and wear a blanket. Wear the dress which shall help you to meet the Lord.”  Guru JI: “If your beloved has gone abroad, (if you think the Lord is away from you) remember and meditate on Him . If your life style and actions are good, you shall certainly meet the Lord.” Shaikh Ibrahim : “When young, I did not think of the lord.  Now in old age I shall die. Then lying in the grave I shall cry that I could not meet my beloved Lord.”  Guru Ji: “I am ugly, having ignorance, bad habits and dirty mind. I could meet my beloved only if I had good qualities . So Nanak says that get rid of the bad qualities”  Shaikh Ibrahim : “What is that holy word, what are the good qualities and what is the mystic formula by which I could attain the Lord? Which dress I should wear that shall attract my beloved Lord?”   Guru Ji: Humility is the word, forgiveness is the quality and our tongue is the magical formula. To put it simply, one should be humble, tolerate others ’ bad words and recite God’s name with the tongue. With these three things as the dress code one shall attract the Lord.”
Shaikh Ibrahim was greatly impressed by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. He therefore requested him to stay longer with him. Guru Ji promised to visit him again and took his leave.  

In the second meeting

Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Shaikh Ibrahim had a discourse for long time.  9 Vaars of Asa Di Vaar was recited at this time.  Shaikh Ibrahim asked Guru Ji to let him hear a strain in praise of the one God.  'My idea is', said the Shaikh, 'that adoration cannot be performed without two beings, that is, God and the Prophet; Let me see whom thou makest man's intercessor.'  Guru Ji called upon Bhai Mardana Ji to play the rebeck and recite the first slok and pauri of the Asa di Vaar as written on pg 462-463 of Shri Guru Granth Sahib.
        I am a sacrifice, Nanak, to my Guru a hundred times a day,
       Who without any delay made demigods out of men.
       Nanak, they who, very clever in their own estimation, think not of the Guru,
       Shall be left like spurious sesames in a reaped field-
       They shall be left in the field, saith Nanak, without an owner.
       The wretches may even bear fruit and flower, but these shall be as ashes within their bodies.
      God Himself created the world and Himself gave names to things.
      He made Maya by His power; seated He beheld His work with delight.
      O Creator, Thou art the Giver; being pleased Thou bestowest and practisest kindness.
      Thou knowest all things; Thou givest and takest life with a word.
      Seated Thou beholdest Thy work with delight
Shaikh Ibrahim asked Guru Ji for further instruction.  Guru Ji then spoke on the subject of humility, and said that as water, which rests lowly on the earth, rises under pressure into the air in sparkling fountains, so they who preserve a humble mind mount to God's highest pinnacle. Guru Ji stated that we do not need an intercessor (prophet or messiah) to reach to God.  Guru Ji and Shaikh Ibrahim remained together that night in the forest.  A kind-hearted and charitable villager who had seen them, took them a basin of milk before daylight.

The villager when he brought the milk basin, he thought that Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Shaikh Ibrahim were just talking and did not paid much attention. The Shaikh separated his own share of the milk from that of Guru Ji, and uttered these verses:--     
Devotion in the beginning of the night is the blossom, in the end of the night the fruit.  They who watch obtain gifts from the Lord.

Guru Ji responded:

          Gifts are the Lord's; what can prevail against Him? (meaning no one can force God)
          Some who are awake receive them not; others who are asleep He awaketh, and conferreth presents upon them.

Guru Ji then asked Shaikh Ibrahim to put his hand into the milk and feel what was in it.  Shaikh Ibrahim found that it contained four gold coins.  After Guru Ji and Shaikh Ibrahim had their conversation and left the forest, the villager returned to fetch his basin.  On lifting it up, it is said, he found that it had become gold, and was filled with gold coins.  Then he began to repent of his suspicions, and confessed to himself that they were religious men. If he had come with his heart disposed towards God, he would have gained holiness. 'I came with worldliness, and worldliness have I found.' Upon this he took up his basin and departed.  Guru Ji after his pleasant visit left for further journey.

Please use your brain before believing everything blindly

To be Continued


  1. Thank you for this. There is another blog that I saw today: sikhsandsikhi.blogspot.in that is doing the same thing. Expose the people who know nothing of Sikhi. And this also http://vadakayilzioniststooge.blogspot.in

  2. Thank You please share so people would learn the truth, not half truth and think it is a lie.

  3. another good blog to expose madarchud hijra vadakayail


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. In the Rig Veda, there is a passage that goes, Itham ascati pasyat syantham, ekam starayath mainaa-kaalam.

    This lines are from ajit vadkayils blogs 😂😂😂
    Bhai ye words sanskrit main nahi hai!
