Friday, October 12, 2018

Ajit Vadakayil false claims about Barthari Yogi - Stories of Guru Nanak

Quote from Ajit Vadakayil

Like Patanjali, Bhartrhari also emphasizes ‘Cosmic Consciousness’ (samvit) as the essence of the reality which enables the inner consciousness of the soul to understand it, in the form of word and language. 

According to Bhartrhari, “The speech (or word) exists within and outside all living beings in the form of consciousness (Caitanya). Sabda is another form of ‘caitanya’ or consciousness.

For Bhartrhari and other grammarians, Sabdas are the sole guide to the objects. All classes of things depend on sabda, Vaidik or secular; and all the disciplines of knowledge depend on Vyakarana (grammar). Without grammar, the truth cannot be apprehended. 

In a nut shell, GRAMMAR is the gateway and royal road to liberation.




Bhartrhari was the elder son of King Gandharva-Sena, of the kingdom of Ujjain. His brother was Emperor Vikramaditya of VIKRAM AND BETAL fame..

The LYING white historian has dated Bhartrhari as 510 AD..



The name of Raja Bhartrihari (or Bhartri) is widely known in India, as the name of the king who has renounced his throne, to become an ascetic. The dramatic story of his renunciation traditionally was one of the favorite themes of the ballads sung by the wondering minstrels and performed by the folk theaters all over India. 

Prior to his renunciation, he was the king of the Malva Kingdom with its capital in Avantikā (modern Ujjain). He had younger brother Vikramaditya (Chandragupta second), who ruled after he renounced his trone since 1076 till 1126? However, there were two kings known as Vikramāditya in the Indian history, which were separated from each other by the period of one thousand years, one was legendary king Vikramāditya, by whom the Vikram Samwat (the calendar established from the time of his reign) was stared, and other known as Chandragupta second.

We have established there were 2 Vikramaditya who were separated by about a thousand years which is unkown to Captain Ajit Vadakayil and his false history narrative.  

Another thing is unknown to him is that Guru Nanak Dev Ji meeting Barthari twice once in Ujjain in around 1511 on his second journey and another time in Punjab at later time on his 5th journey.

Barthari Yogi's name is mentioned in Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji 5 times.  In my opinion he is the most neglected person by Sikhs as he is not revered as much as even though his name appears in Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji 5 times.

From Girnar hill Guru Nanak Dev Ji travelled through Ahmedabad to Ujjain.  Famous King Bikramajit was the ruler of this place.  His brother Bharthari Hari had renounced the throne and home and became an ascetic.  His cave in Ujjain is famous even today.  Guru Ji went and sat near the tree.  The Hindu pilgrims of all traditions came to pay obeisance at the cave of Bharthari Hari.  Near this place resided Bharthari yogi. At the time Guru Nanak Dev Ji was performing kirtan (singing hymns).  The yogi was highly impressed.  He asked Guru Ji as to how many yogis who come over here would achieve salvation? In reply, Guru Ji recited the following hymn recorded on page 223 of Shri Guru Granth Sahib:-
     “Those who live a spiritual lifestyle - they alone are true. What can the false know about the secrets of liberation? Those who contemplate the Way are Yogis. They conquer the five thieves, and enshrine the True Lord in the heart. Those who enshrine the True Lord deep within, Realize the value of the Way of Yoga. The sun and the moon are one and the same for them, as are household and wilderness. The karma of their daily practice is to praise the Lord.  They beg for the alms of the one and only Shabad. They remain awake and aware in spiritual wisdom and meditation, and the true way of life. They remain absorbed in the fear of God; they never leave it. Who can estimate their value? They remain lovingly absorbed in the Lord. The Lord unites them with Himself, dispelling their doubts. By Guru's Grace, the supreme status is obtained. In the Guru's service is reflection upon the Shabad. Subduing ego, practice pure actions. Chanting, meditation, austere self-discipline and the reading of the Puraanas, Says Nanak, are contained in surrender to the Unlimited Lord.”
After listening to this hymn, many misgivings in Bharthari yogi’s mind got cleared.  He discussed many subjects with Guru Ji and thus got enlightened about the significance of meditating on the holy word.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji stayed with Bharthari yogi for some time.  One day Bharthari yogi asked Guru Ji, “We live among the trees and woods.  We are constantly in fear.  There are wild animals who can attack.  What kind of protection can we offer you.  We are afraid that we have not been able to look after and serve you well.  You do not eat much either, we cannot provide you food”  On hearing this, Guru Ji recited the following hymn recorded on page 223-224 of Shri Guru Granth Sahib:-
     “To practice forgiveness is the true fast, good conduct and contentment. Disease does not afflict me, nor does the pain of death. I am liberated, and absorbed into God, who has no form or feature. What fear does the Yogi have? The Lord is among the trees and the plants, within the household and outside as well. The Yogis meditate on the Fearless, Immaculate Lord. Night and day, they remain awake and aware, embracing love for the True Lord. Those Yogis are pleasing to my mind. The trap of death is burnt by the Fire of God. Old age, death and pride are conquered. They swim across, and save their ancestors as well. Those who remain immersed in the Fear of God become fearless. They become just like the One they serve. The Name makes a man pure and fearless. It makes the master less become the master of all. I am a sacrifice to him.  Such a person is not reincarnated again; he sings the Glories of God. Inwardly and outwardly, he knows the One Lord; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, he realizes himself. He bears the Banner and Insignia of the True Shabad in the Lord's Court. He does not come or go in reincarnation, and his hopes are subdued. Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, his heart-lotus blossoms forth. Whoever is seen, is driven by hope and despair, by sexual desire, anger, corruption, hunger and thirst. O Nanak, those detached recluses who meet the Lord are so very rare.”
Meaning one who has a fear of God does not fear anything else.

A Gurdwara known as 'Gurdwara Guru Nanak Ghat' commemorating Guru Nanak's visit. It is on the bank (Ghat) of southern bank of Shipra River opposite the famous Mahakal mandir and close to Datt Akhara.

Second time after discourse with the Yogi’s at fair of Achal Batala, Guru Nanak Dev Ji went further in to Punjab to preach his message.  Guru Ji went to Takhtapura in the Moga district.  The place is known as Nanaksar Sahib.  Guru Nanak Dev ji had discoursed with a few siddhayogis who lived on a nearby mound.  At that time Raja Bharthari (Raja of Ujjain) was also living here, serving the sidhs. If you remember, Guru Ji had met him in Gujrat earlier.  He was told that he had to marry the Rajkumari of Junagarh, and for that he had only eight peher's left (24 hours).  And if Raja failed to reach there, she will die.  Raja Bharthari requested sidhs to help him reaching there, but sidhs refused because they were not able to do so in such a short time. Then on Raja's request Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji  took him to Junagarh in one peher (3 hrs) and got him married with Rajkumari.  Also Guru Ji brought him back here and advised him to stay there.  Guru Ji recited the following hymn recorded on page 412 of Shri Guru Granth Sahib:-

"Inwardly and outwardly, there is none other than Him.   Whatever pleases Him, comes to pass. Listen, O Bharthari Yogi - Nanak speaks after deliberation; The Immaculate Name is my only Support."    

A Gurdwara Sahib is present in Takhtupura which commemorates the incident. There is place of Bharthari too there. The Oldest Manuscript called Bhai Bala Janamsakhi also mentioned the said incident in detail.

Other places where Barthar Yogi is mentioned is on:

page 360 of Shri Guru Granth Sahib:

"My arm-rest is to see the Lord's Light in all, although their forms and colors are so numerous.  Says Nanak, listen, O Bharthari Yogi: love only the Supreme Lord God."

"Imbued with the Lord's Praises, one is forever a Bairaagee, a renunciate, and one's life is not lost in the gamble. Says Nanak, listen, O Bharthari Yogi: drink in the intoxicating nectar of the Lord."

page 953 of Shri Guru Granth Sahib:

"He alone is a Bairaagi, who turns himself toward God. In the Tenth Gate, the sky of the mind, he erects his pillar.  Night and day, he remains in deep inner meditation.  Such a Bairaagi is just like the True Lord.  Says Bhart'har, God is the embodiment of Truth;  The supreme essence of reality has no shape or form."

page 1390 of Shri Guru Granth Sahib:

"Bali the king, dwelling in the seventh underworld, sings His Praises.  Bhart'har, abiding forever with Gorakh, his guru, sings His Praises.  Doorbaasaa, King Puro and Angra sing the Praises of Guru Nanak.  Says KAL the poet, the Sublime Praises of Guru Nanak intuitively permeate each and every heart."


  1. Hey you!
    The most stupidest fellow among mortals...
    Don't you have your own analysis...???
    Go & learn the simple art of clarity in thinking & then put it in action as blogspot.
    Your blog content has nothing from your side to offer other than denial, shock, paranoia and screaming.
    Rest of the content are all picked from here & there and woven in one string.
    Where's your part???
    Your original part???
    Google gives you the web address but doesnot authenticate whether it's true or false...
    Think !!!... you need to think... exercise your brain & then express your thought...
    For now you write RUBBISH bcoz it's rubbish as there is no clear thinking by your brain...
    Now I know why Americans think so low of INDIANS in general, coz they come across people like you...
    Are you hallucinating ...???

    1. Hey thanks for the compliments. Captain's son lives in America too another reason why Americans think so low of INDIANS.

    2. Hey you moron!!!
      Seems you don't read properly but throw hollow allegations upon level headed people.

      Read this, I have mentioned it exclusively in my comment for idiots like you: "Now I know why Americans think so low of INDIANS in general, coz they come across people like you..."

      It means to you or people like you.

      Also,attacking an intellectual by some petty comments won't make you higher than that intellectual.
      Also you in the league of CAPTAIN'S son!!!???
      You seems to take drugs...
      Excuse me...!!!

    3. Look who is a Moron.

      I will leave your comments and will not delete your comments as Captain does as everyone can see what a real moron you are. You came to my blog, now you shooooo...!!!

    4. I won't shoooo...
      But you are my shoe ...
      Also you seem to be a fake Sikh.
      You are a KHALISTANI

  2. This guy Vadakayil is just a fame-seeker person. He wants to have his own monkey army to fight for him. He will give the orders and his army will go and put it in all the govt websites. He builds his identity on a dead man's identity. Mark my words this vadakayil is useless and no brainer person. The more you listen to him, the more you understand he is egoistic and seeks pleasure from fame and chamchas.

    1. Yes that is what I was wondering why does he tell people to put the comments on govt websites and emails. Why can't he send it himself.

    2. He is not a timepass man like you people. He is busy man.

  3. His modus-operandi is this. Firstly create the news that everything in this world is related to Kerala, highlight Kerala and since Sankaracharya was from kerala, use him to the fullest. Next highlight his tribe/caste and propogate that they were the rulers of the world blah blah blah. Now go on to the theory that all Vishnu avatars are from Kerala and nowhere else. Lastly advertise himself as the future Kalki avatar as he is also from Kerala and from a caste that is meant to rule.

    Finally he is going to call himself Kalki and have him immortalized in the history..

    Ajit vadakayil is nothing but a Danava as he says and he has the same genes as danavas who are egoistic and fame/power seekers.

    1. Have you listened to the lastest that Kauravs and Pandavs were Danavs, All Vishnu Avatars were Danavs. People should know that Danavs mentioned in our Puranas had super power abilities like change forms Ravan became Sadhu, his sister transformed into a beautiful woman, Another person changed into dear. During Kans time you have Putna who turned into a beautiful woman, Ghatotkacha had the magical ability because is mother was a Danav. Tell me one of the Kauravs or Pandavs and even Kans had that ability. People need to wake up and see who really are the Danavs. Devs (Angels) and Danavs(Demons) are heavenly beings; they are not Humans. Danavs can disguise themselves as humans (Chudails and Wizards) and create offspring with humans which are called Nephilims in Bible just like what Ghatotkacha was.

    2. Hi there! Can you point me to the article where he said that all Vishnu avatars are Danavs coz then he has clearly lost it! What about Shri Krishna? Krishna JI was not from Kerala, obviously. So, did Ajit said that Shri Krishna was from Kerala, too?

  4. vadakayil vs singh is just a battle of idealogies in which i am not interested. I am only interested on ayurveda and other topics that offer relief to human ailments. "too much ego is a bad thing"

  5. Captain Ajit vadakayil is the only person who is working selflessly for the betterment of the world which is rotten with lies and hypocrites. People hungry for power have wrote history on their own way. People like you Ballot singh are ignorant people who do not understand his blogs and write that ajit vadakayil is writing lies.

  6. Sorry you are ballot singh 😄😄😄

  7. Baljit singh sorry my keyboard was automatically writing ballot
