Friday, August 31, 2018

Hey Ajit Vadakayil here is the truth about Sikhs I dare you to publish this

Sunee Pukaar Daatar Prabhu Guru Naanak Jag Maahi Pathhaaiaa | Charan Dhoi Raharaasi Kari Charan amritu Sikhaan Peelaaiaa | Paarabraham Pooran Braham Kalijug Andar Iku Dikhaaiaa | Chaaray Pair Dharam Day Chaari Varani Iku Varanu Karaaiaa | Raanaa Ranku Baraabaree Pairee Paavanaa Jagi Varataaiaa | Ulataa Khaylu Piranm Daa Pairaa Upari Seesu Nivaaiaa | Kalijugu Baabay Taariaa Satinaamu Parhhi Mantr Sunaaiaa | Kal Taarani Guru Naanaku Aaiaa ||23 || 

The benefactor Lord listened to the cries (of humanity) and sent Guru Nanak to this world. He washed His feet, eulogised God and got his Disciples drink the ambrosia of his feet. He preached in this darkage (kaliyug) that, saragun (Brahm) and nirgun (Parbrahm) are the same and identical. Dharma was now established on its four feet and all the four castes (through fraternal feeling) were converted into one caste (of humanity). Equating the poor with the prince, he spread the etiquette of humbly touching the feet. Inverse is the game of the beloved; he got the egotist high heads bowed to feet.  Baba Nanak rescued this dark age (kaliyug) and recited ‘satinam’ mantr for one and all. Guru Nanak came to redeem the people of kaliyug.

Vaar 1 Pauri 23

In the Dark Age of Kali Purush (Kaliyug), people had lost their way and was deluded by the deceit of Kali Purush.  The formless GOD himself sent his Avatar, Guru Nanak, to bring people back to true path (Nirmal Panth); Just like before him Lord Krishna and Ram Chander was sent.

None of the Gurus started any religion.  For them the best religion was to recite the name of GOD.  They claimed we are all HIS children and we are all equal in front of him.

Hindus and Muslims became the (SIKH) disciple of Guru Ji and realized that fighting over caste and religion were useless and started to live like brothers.

Religions are curse of Kali Purush, Kalyug.

It is a chain of slavery put around us to divide us and make us hate each other. Where there is hate, there is no GOD. Before Kalyug there were no religions, even at the time of Buddha in Kalyug there were no religions. When Guru Teg Bahadur Ji went to meet Auranzeb, Guru Ji tells Aurangzeb you want only one religion in Hindustan; there is going to be third religion. From this statement we can see there was no Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism or any other religions at that time. And we also know that British and Christian Missionaries had started to make inroads into India. Guru Gobind Singh Ji made Khalsa – Akaal Purak Ki Fauj - an army, not a religion.

Guru Ji’s were against religions. Guru Nanak Dev Ji states, “There is no Hindus, there is no Muslims.” God is Nirvair, without hatred. For HIM everyone is same and provide everyone equally. GOD does not have any religion, that is why Guru Nanak Dev Ji shunned all religions. Guru Arjan Dev Ji states, “Of all religions, the best religion is to chant the Name of the Lord and maintain pure conduct.” Othe amla te hone ne navede kise nai teri jaat puchni meaning: On judgment day conclusions will be made on what you put into practice (karma), nobody will ask your Caste (or religion).

Guru Nanak Dev Ji started a Nirmal Panth (True Path) because people had forgotten to worship the Formless God. Hindus were stuck at Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva (Three Gunas/stage) and forgotten the Fourth State (Formless God). Most important for Muslims were Prophet Muhammad and for them, they can only go to heaven through Prophet Muhammad.

Religions in India are the creation of British to Divide and Rule

Don’t think of Vishnu, Ram, Krishna or any other Avatars of GOD as Hindu Deities. When you will start thinking like this, your prejudice and bias will come in the way.

When Lord Rama or Krishna came, there were no religions.

Vishnu Ji is known as Ra in Egypt, Zeus in Roman Greco, Abel in Christianity

Brahma who gave Vedas is known as Thoth in Egypt – who gave emerald tablets (from this came english word Taught/Thought); Seth in Christianity – who gave pillars of Seth

So what religion do they belong to – Hinduism? Egyptian? Christianity? Roman? -  start with the oldest blog.

With that said:

One formless GOD(Nirgun) has 24 Avatars (Sargun). HE is Nirgun(formless) and HE is Sargun (formed). Sun and Moon are 2 of the 24 Avatars which give us light.

All 24 Avatars are in the soveriegn control of One formless GOD and work according to HIS will. There are many Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva because this Trinity is in everyone within the universe. Day, Dusk, Night; Creation, Life, Death; They are within us too that is why there are some good people, neutral people and some evil people. It all depends on us on who do we listen to. We need to work on removing our Inner demons/negativity (Shiva) and move towards truth/positivity (Vishnu).

The one formless GOD does not have a name

He is known by his virtues and attributes, Guru Granth Sahib calls him by the names of HIS Avatars because there is no difference between GOD and HIS Avatars even though his Avatars are within the rules of Maya. Some places in Guru Granth Sahib those Avatars are mentioned too and it is describing those Avatars and not the Formless GOD.

Even the word VAHEGURU is made up of Vasudev(Vishnu)/Hari Krishna/Gobind in the form of Nanak/Rama . Based on HIS avatars

The one formless GOD does not have a form

How do you describe a GOD that does not have any forms, Shri Guru Granth Sahib describes HIM by the forms of HIS Avatars. Lotus Feet, Lotus Eyes, Beautiful Hair, 4 Armed is all the forms of HIS Avatars which is used to describe the Formless GOD. Again Guru Granth Sahib describes the GOD in some places and HIS Avatars directly in other places.

Again there is no difference between Formless GOD (Nirgun) and HIS Avatars (Sargun) they all are one and same

Guru Nanak Dev Ji states we should all pray to the one formless GOD, EK OMKAR (ONKAR). But he does not mention that we should ignore his Avatars and say negative things about them.

Another word used for GOD is Paarbrahm, which means beyond 5 senses. Vedas gives name such as Brahman(Pure) and Maha Visnu.

Vedas states to get to the Absolute Truth (Formless God), one has to go through Truth (Sattva, Vishnu)

In India there were either Vaishnavs (followers of Vishnu) or Shivaites (followers of Shiva). All of the bhagats whose Bani is in Guru Granth Sahib were Vaishnavs.

This is same as Christianity and Satanism. Like Satanists, Shivaites believe in tantric (magical) powers.

All Hindu saints who are mentioned in Shri Guru Granth Sahib belonged to Vaishnavism and started Bhakti movement. Naamdev’s swami was Lord Krishna, Bhagat Dhana’s thakur was Lord Vishnu.

In Sukhmani Sahib Guru Arjan Dev Ji states:

The true Vaishnav, the devotee of Vishnu, is the one with whom God is thoroughly pleased. He dwells apart from Maya. Performing good deeds, he does not seek rewards. Spotlessly pure is the religion of such a Vaishnaav; he has no desire for the fruits of his labors. He is absorbed in devotional worship and the singing of Kirtan, the songs of the Lord's Glory. Within his mind and body, he meditates in remembrance on the Lord of the Universe. He is kind to all creatures. He holds fast to the Naam, and inspires others to chant it. O Nanak, such a Vaishnaav obtains the supreme status.

Remember Vishnu again and again; By remembering Vishnu you will never suffer defeat

Shri Guru Granth Sahib, Pg 342

Blessed, blessed is that flute which the Lord plays. The sweet, sweet unstruck sound current sings forth. Blessed, blessed is the wool of the sheep; Blessed, blessed is the blanket worn by Krishna. Blessed, blessed are you, O mother Dayvakee; Into your home the Lord was born.

Shri Guru Granth Sahib, Pg. 998

In the next verse Guru Arjan Dev Ji made it crystal clear that there is no difference between the Formless GOD and HIS Avatars:

The Supreme Lord God is imperishable, the Transcendent Lord, the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts. He is the Slayer of demons, our Supreme Lord and Master. The Supreme Rishi, the Master of the sensory organs, the uplifter of mountains, the joyful Lord playing His enticing flute. ||1|| The Enticer of Hearts, the Lord of wealth, Krishna, the Enemy of ego. The Lord of the Universe, the Dear Lord, the Destroyer of demons. The Life of the World, our eternal and ever-stable Lord and Master dwells within each and every heart, and is always with us. ||2|| The Protector (Narshing) who tears apart demons with His teeth, the Upholder of the earth. O Creator, You assumed the form of the pygmy (Vaman) to humble the demons; You are the Lord God of all. ||3|| You are the Great Raam Chand, who has no form or feature. Adorned with flowers, holding the chakra in Your hand (Vishnu), Your form is incomparably beautiful. You have thousands of eyes, and thousands of forms. You alone are the Giver, and all are beggars of You. ||4|| You are the Lover of Your devotees, the Master of the masterless. The Lord and Master of the milk-maids, You are the companion of all. O Lord, Immacuate Great Giver, I cannot describe even an iota of Your Glorious Virtues. ||5|| Liberator, Enticing Lord, Lord of Lakshmi, Supreme Lord God. Savior of Dropadi's honor. Lord of Maya, miracle-worker, absorbed in delightful play, unattached. ||6|| The Blessed Vision of His Darshan is fruitful and rewarding; He is not born, He is self-existent. His form is undying; it is never destroyed. O imperishable, eternal, unfathomable Lord, everything is attached to You. ||7|| The Lover of greatness, who dwells in heaven. By the Pleasure of His Will, He took incarnation as the great fish and the tortoise. The Lord of beauteous hair, the Worker of miraculous deeds, whatever He wishes, comes to pass. ||8|| He is beyond need of any sustenance, free of hate and all-pervading. He has staged His play; He is called the four-armed Lord (Vishnu). He assumed the beautiful form of the blue-skinned Krishna; hearing His flute, all are fascinated and enticed. ||9|| He is adorned with garlands of flowers, with lotus eyes. His ear-rings, crown and flute are so beautiful. He carries the conch, the chakra and the war club; He is the Great Charioteer, who stays with His Saints. ||10|| The Lord of yellow robes, the Master of the three worlds. The Lord of the Universe, the Lord of the world; with my mouth, I chant His Name. The Archer who draws the bow, the Beloved Lord God; I cannot count all His limbs. ||11||

Shri Guru Granth Sahib, Pg. 1082

On Guru Nanak Dev Ji's second journey, he went to Mathura and was invited to watch the play called Krishna leela. Lord Krishna appears dancing with milkmaids, stealing their clothes while they were bathing, and killing his uncle Kans. Guru Ji expressed his dissatification with ordinary people dressed up as Lord Krishna and Lord Rama and singing and dancing. He recited the following hymn as recorded on pg. 465 of Shri Guru Granth Sahib.

Vaaein Chaelae Nachan Gur Pair || Halaaein Faeranih Sir || Oudd Oudd Raavaa Jhaattai Paae || Vaekhai Lok Hasai Ghar Jaae || Rotteeaa Kaaran Poorehi Thaal || Aap Pashhaarrehi Dhharathee Naal || Gaavan Gopeeaa Gaavan Kaanh || Gaavan Seethaa Raajae Raam || Nirabho Nirankaar Sach Naam || Jaa Kaa Keeaa Sagal Jehaan || Saevak Saevehi Karam Charraao || Bhinnee Rain Jinhaa Man Chaao || Sikhee Sikhiaa Gur Veechaar || Nadharee Karam Laghaaeae Paar

The disciples play the music, and the gurus dance. They move their feet and roll their heads. The dust flies and falls upon their hair. Beholding them, the people laugh, and then go home. They beat the drums for the sake of bread. They throw themselves upon the ground. The milk-maids Sing, Krishna sings. Sita and King Rama Sings. The Lord is fearless and formless; His Name is True. The entire universe is His Creation. Those servants, whose destiny is awakened, serve the Lord. Their minds are filled with love for the Lord. Contemplating the Guru, I have been taught these teachings; Granting His Grace, He carries His servants across. Guru Ji states ordinary people, for the sake of bread, portray themselves as Lord Krishna and Lord Rama. They are really disparaging the formless God, who came on earth in the human form. This is not the way of showing love for the God.

One day while Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji was holding a congregation one of the Sikhs asked, “What type of incarnation was the first Sikh Guru, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and were they independent and complete?”

According to Hindu belief there are many types of incarnations but for God there are six. These are the following; -

- Ansa Avtar

- Avesha Avtar

- Nit Avtar

- Namitak Avtar

- Pooran Avtar

- Pooran Tam Avtar

To this question Guru Gobind Singh Ji answered the following; -

1) Ansa Avtar is an incarnation of the Lord in the form of a righteous king who rules the people of his kingdom in accordance to the will of God. The people of the kingdom revere their ruler as God

2) Avesha Avtar is an incarnation or a divine form of God, which appears in order to please its devotee such as that of a statue drinking milk from Bhagat Namdev Ji. It is also the form of Parasram who was born without divine powers but acquired them later on in his life through devotion to God.

3) Nit Avtar is the form of God as a saint on earth. These are Sants, Mahapurkh, Brahmgiani, etc.

4) Namitak Avtar is the form of God that was assumed by Narsingh and Vaman. Narsingh came to the earth in order to protect his devotee Prahlad while Vaman came in order to deceive King Bali. After both had done their respected tasks they went back to heaven and never actually took birth on the earth.

5) Pooran Avtar is the incarnation that has 16 divine attributes and characteristics. Only Krishna has been born of this form.

6) Pooran Tam Avtar is regarded as that of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji as they came to the earth with the same powers as they had in heaven as the supreme Lord. They also came into the world already with knowledge and did not need to find any teachers, as they were already the one true master.

Guru Gobind Singh Ji made Khalsa Fauj (Army of Akaal Purakh (GOD)).  Again Hindus and Muslims joined this army. 

Just like in any army they had uniform, weapons and title.  Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave Uniform (5 K's), Weapons (swords and knifes) and title (Singh).

After the disappearance of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, he made Banda Singh Bahadur as the head of Khalsa.

The reason I said disappearance is because Guru Gobind Singh Ji has said that in 2042 when Vishnu Ji will come as Kalki Avatar, he will be the riding on the horse.

Getting back to True Sikhi; after the death of Banda Singh Bahadur in 1716, the Khalsa fauj dispersed into different groups and started living in jungles and conducted their attacks in secrecy against the Mughals.

A lot of Great Warriors came and a lot of sacrifices were made.

When the Khalsa's were busy fighting the wars from Jungles, the religious place of worship were taken care of by Udasi Sikhs.  The first Udasi was Guru Nanak Dev Ji's son.  Guru Hargobind Sahibs son Bhai Ditta was also part of Udasi.

It was not until Maharaja Ranjit Singh that he was able to unite different groups, disintegrate the Mughal Empire and created a Sikh Empire where everyone lived peacefully.

The British East India Company had taken over all of India except for the Punjab Region governed by Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

After the death of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, The British again attacked Punjab.

During the British and Sikh war after the time of Maharaja Ranjit Singh around 1843; Sikhs were running out of Ammunition, but British did not knew it and was to accept their defeat and leave. But it was Dogra Sikhs who informed the British about the ammunition.  Learning this British regrouped and attacked Sikhs and were able to win the war.  Most of the True Sikhs were dead or dispersed.

This is the reason why there were not many true Sikhs who could support the rebellion of 1857.  Traitor Sikhs (Dogras) were busy fighting for British, for which they were awarded large plots and given titles and made leaders.  From them came the Singh Sabha. 

After this British plotted on how to destroy Sikhs spiritually, they started to learn Guru Granth Sahib. Interestingly the first person they brought was named Trump. He could not interpret Guru Granth Sahib as he was not verly likable person and Guru Granth Sahib is written in many different languages of India including Persian for which he had no knowledge.

One of the Greatest traitor of Khalsa was Bhai Kahn Singh Nabha;

Next came Max Arthur Macauliffe (Vadakayil's favorite). Slowly the British started plotting.  Kahn Singh Nabha and his handler Max Arthur Macauliffe started the process of changing History, creation of Sikhism as a religion and using the divide and rule policy of British by publishing books such as "Hum Hindu Nahin".

Eventually they were successful in removing all of the Udasi Sikhs from the Gurudwaras and brought in their puppets, the Singh Sabha.

This was done by doing false flags and using Hegelian dialect that Udasis were doing immoral things in temple.

Then slowly made SAD and SGPC to take control of all of the Gurudwaras. To kill a religion it has to be done from within. Here is an example on how roman catholic church was infiltrated

It is people like these that inserted posion into Dasam Granth by using poets like Raam, Shyaam and Kaal.  Which is just a word play on Raam Chandra Avatar, Shyaam - Krishan Avatar, and Kaal - Kalki Avatar.

Some of the lines used in Dasam Granth to wedge a disharmony and separate out Khalsa as Sikh religion  is "I do not accept Ganesha as important. I do not meditate on Krishna, neither on Vishnu. I do not hear them and do not recognize them. My love is with the Lotus feet of God. He is my protector, the Supreme Lord. I am dust of his Lotus feet."  This is one of the favorite line of fundamentalists, whose religion is hate.

I ask them please read over the Guru Granth Sahib lines mentioned above and ask why is this different from Guru Granth Sahib.  Are Poets Raam, Shyam and Kaal above Guru Arjan Dev Ji?

Which takes me to the following line: "Sab sikhan ko hukam hai, Guru maaniyo Granth" meaning (Guru Gobind Singh Ji is saying: I am commanding all of my disciples to only make Guru Granth Sahib as your Guru).

Hey but this traitors of Singh Sabha and Bhai Kahn Singh Nabha (I will not call Max Arthur Macauliffe as traitor because it was his job to divide India) installed Dasam Granth in Harmandir Sahib as parallel to Guru Granth Sahib.  Fortunately later it was removed by the objection of some good Sikhs.

It was Kahn Singh Nabha who gave his blessing to Poet Shyam as one of 52 Poets who was commissioned by Guru Gobind Singh Ji to write Dasam Granth as he was over there.

Let me clarify only a small part of Dasam Granth is correct and rest is poison. Some parts from the original was deleted. When Guru Gobind Singh Ji was crossing the Sirsa River most of the writings got dispersed in the river.

Remember when I mentioned that Guru Granth Sahib gave importance to Vaishanvi Saints, 

Dasam Granth seems like is written by Shivaites or Satanists.  

Persons like Madame Blavatsky who was in India at that time and Alistaire Crowley openly stated that they were in contact with demons and most of their work is ghost written by Demons.  Meaning Demons took over their body and wrote stuff.

In Dasam Granth the praise is given to Shiva and Durga (Chandi); and the other Avatars are described as mere Humans.  Bachittar Natak mentions how a holy person produced Guru Gobind Singh Ji from Earth like a gobi (Cauliflower), meaning GOD did not create him.

I am not sure why we are believing such stuff. GOD gave humans brain to think not take things as given on a plate. 

I am going to use Ajit Vadakayil's phrase: why does a blogger need to tell this thing.

By 1890 there were 32 versions of Dasam Granth circulating around Amritsar Area alone.

For his reward as a traitor, in 1932, Kanh Singh Nabha was given the title of Sardar Bahadur by British government. In 1933, he was presented a sword by King Nadir Shah of Afghanistan. Which is again a word play and slap on face of Kahn Singh Nabha, because most of the servants in Delhi area are called Bahadur.  So the British rightly gave the title of Slave/Servant to Kanh Singh Nabha

We know this for sure that British never gave awards to true Patriots, they only gave them bullets.  Remember Bhagat Singh, Chandra Sehkhar Azaad, Lala Lajpat Rai and others.  

And who was supporting British in Punjab at time, it was traitor Sikhs in police and army.

Former Jathedar, Professor Darshan Singh questioned the authenticity and message of Dasam Granth.  Unfortunately, for this he was boycotted from the panth.  There are many others who are still questioning the authenticity of Dasam Granth, but they are discarded as Anti-Panthic.

During the loss to British in the war after the death of maharaja Ranjit Singh around 1843; not only the Sikhs lost, but True Sikhs of Guru Nanak Dev Ji lost too as major positions were given to the traitors as their reward.

Fortunately, we still have very good people who knows and understand this.  Only thing they need to do is come forward and tell the truth without any fear.

I was talking to a Gurudwara priest and asked him about how British poisoned our history.  His reply was this was the job of the British why do we blame them, it is our people who were so easily corrupted and the blame rests directly on their shoulders.

 Forward this to Ajit Vadakayil and on Social Media so people would know the truth.


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    Religion comes from FEAR, IGNORANCE and SUPERSTITION!
